Saturday, August 9, 2008

Walini Tea Plantation

Ciwalini Tea Plantation

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

Located on a high land and surrounded by mountains, Bandung and its surrounding areas have long been known for their ideal climate and fertility for agroindustry. This potential was well exploited by the Dutch to plant commodity crops such as tea, coffee, and quinine.

Huge tea, coffee, and quinine plantations can be found in the north and south of Bandung. Pictured above is Walini tea plantation located near Kawah Putih (White Crater). This plantation is now owned and managed by a state-owned company PT Perkebunan VIII (Persero). In addition to being a productive plantation producing high quality high land tea, this plantation is now also being offered as an agrotourism destination where visitors can have tea walk, horse ride, and other activities. Right in the middle of this plantation, there is also a natural hot water pool where visitors can swim or have a relaxing hot bath in private bathrooms.

Photography tip of the day: Landscape photography #2
Another thing that we can do to improve the impact of our landscape photographs is to place an object of interest in the foreground to create a sense of depth. In the picture above, the tree I placed in the foreground and the path helped create a sense of depth in the landscape.


Rambling Woods said...

That is so beautiful Eki. Thank you for the pointer on placing the tree. I would have just photographed without the tree and not gotten the same effect.

Quinine...for the malaria drug?

melanie said...

Merci pour cette photo et pour l'explication historique et agricole.

Merci aussi pour la technique photographique. J'en prends bien note.

Meead said...

Beautiful landscape!

Jane Hards Photography said...

The scene is just so beautiful. The narrative very interesting. You are right about the lansdcape tip. It really add to the perspective even photographing a twig for depth of field.

Anonymous said...

Tea! Now that's something I've never seen growing. Would love to visit that plantation.
So what IS quinine used for these days?
Sorry my photo did not open for you. It was taken by a relative, on his camera. Would that make it problematic? Anyway, it's just me and a nice donkey. Not really illustrating the accident story, thankfully.
I'll try to answer your questions more over on my blog. Thanks for your interest.

Anonymous said...

Bandung has a lot of tea plantations. It also can be found in Pangalengan and lembang. Ciwalini also has a hot swimming pool for them who wants to soak their body for relaxing.. The view near the mountains always looks so beautiful. What a nice trip Sir. I'm waiting for the next amazing photos like this...

Anonymous said...

Now that's more like it!

Diederick Wijmans said...

What a beautiful photo. So peaceful and calm. Thank you for sharing!!
I also like your series of people in b&w.

smudgeon said...

'Tea Tourism'...that's my idea of a holiday. Beautiful shot...

deti said...

Wonderful picture.....indeed it's a beautiful tea plantation