Friday, November 7, 2008

Skywatch: Bandung's November Sky

This is what Bandung's sky has been like this past week. It has either been rainy or heavily cloudy. The rainy season has set in and seems to be in full swing now.

The tower in the above photo, by the way, is the minaret of Bandung Grand Mosque (Mesjid Raya Bandung) at Asia Afrika Street. And oh, the baloon next to it is an advertising baloon. It advertises "PT. Pegadaian" - Indonesia's state-owned pawn shop.

To see other great skywatch photos from around the world, please click here.


Catherine said...

Bandung's Sky - Paris's Sky are the same these days. Thankfully you get this tower and baloon which gives a wonderful effect in your picture. Like the angle you took this picture.

Catherine said...

Oh, excuse me. I haven't read until the end. It is the minaret of a mosquee.
To be closer to the Sky.

AphotoAday said...

Interesting -- and you've got a great blog here...

Virginia said...

Very nice Skywatch today Eki. What about the balloon? Did I miss that ? The mosque is lovely.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eki: That is a really neat capture of the mosque into the sky.

HappyK said...

Cool picture!! Our skies in Maryland have been gray and cloudy all week too. Sun today though.

Hilda said...

Fabulous shot, Eki! Love the minaret and the balloon adds a touch of whimsy — as long as you can't see the advertising banner well. ;D

Happy SkyWatching!

Photo Cache said...

Very interesting. I love cloudy days and I think the rain is not too far behind.

nobu said...

I like this angle, powerful.

Hope said...

A very striking photo...the clouds are ready for rain.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture! Great composition, Eki, I love it!

rhoen said...

wow..haven't been to this place yet, but i hope soon! thanks for sharing your SWF pic!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I see a similar sky to mine this week. Heavy with rain, but you have better arhcitecture.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I see a similar sky to mine this week. Heavy with rain, but you have better arhcitecture.

Rambling Woods said...

Do you get any sunshine during this time? All clouds and rain makes me feel sad...Eki..your blog has really taken off and I am excited to see all these wonderful comments for your hard work @:}

Ryan Achadiat said...

great picture, sir.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the balloon sort of stresses out how rather tall the minaret is.

Dina said...

Interesting combination of things here.
You really have a state-owned pawn shop? Well, why not, I guess. :)

escape said...

same here. sometimes it's so hot and sometimes it's gloomy!