About Bandung

Monday, June 30, 2008

Bandung Culinary Festival #2

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

Still from the same scene as yesterday's post, shown here is a group of friends enjoying on stage life perfomances and cooking demo after having their rounds of the food stalls - white tents seen at the perimeters of this park (Gasibu Square), where visitors can taste different kinds of food from around the country.

As you can probably see from the picture, the sky was heavily overcast. The rain - unusual dry-season rain - had just stopped when I got there at about 3-ish p.m. It was quite a difficult lighting situation to take a good shot. But I managed to get some that captured some interesting things about the festival.


  1. Hello! I think I would love to visit this culinary festival. I've been to one or two other places, and I do like them a lot. In Nashville in Feb., we have a "soup" tasting which is very interesting.

    Also, I think the photo of the mosque a few days ago is very nice. . .good composition and angles and such. Very nice.

    I'm glad to discover your blog. I'll look forward to discovering Bandung through your eyes.

    Apologies for not posting a lot of comments for a bit. . .a lot of stress around here that will hopefully resolve itself this week.

  2. A food festival..Wow..that will be one important event to a food lover like me :)

    The Nasi Tumpeng structure looks cute..

    I have always know Bandung as a shopping haven..now I know that food is another of its attraction as well.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like the colors in this photograph. The green stools all lined up make for an interesting photo.

  4. I like how these people are sitting around in a circle, connecting with each other while also keeping an eye on the stage. I'm also intrigued by what look like grass tiles on the ground. Are those pavers that are grid-like, to allow grass to grow though them?

  5. Thank you for the comment, Z. Yes, they are grid pavers, and that greenery is grass.

  6. Great pics taken of the festival Eki. Must be an enjoyable day and looks great from the pics.

  7. I ever visited this culinary festival and that was in Gasibu too. It's a pleasure for me and my family to go there since we are food lovers. I'm still waiting for that festival in Bandung. it would be nice...


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.