About Bandung

Friday, July 11, 2008

The "Andong" Buggy

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

I don't know if you can call this buggy as the dictionary defines it: "light carriage pulled by one horse, for one or two persons," but in Indonesian this kind of carriage is called "Andong".

Andong is originally a Javanese word refering to this kind of vehicle. It is still used as a means of public transportation in a number of cities on Java island, particularly Yogyakarta and Solo/Surakarta. In Bandung, Andong is not a means of transportation, but a means of recreational rides, very much like those you can find at the Central Park, New York City and probably some other cities in other parts of the world. This one is operating on Jalan Ganesha (Ganesha Street) near the campus of Bandung Institute of Technology and Bandung Zoo.


  1. That horse can rival a queen in his decorations!

    BTW, I want to invite to Mailbox Monday. It will start this Sunday at noon, just click on the link above about how to join.

  2. How interesting..what is the history or purpose of the horse's head gear?

  3. wow .. keren abis ni andong, kalo di Bali ada Dokar cuma nggak seklasik ini bentuknya ... lam kenal juga :)

  4. That's quite an outfit the horse is wearing!

  5. Wow you beat me to this. I was about to post tartanilla photo on my other blog!

    What a handsome horse. So smart looking hehe.

  6. Eki, I've change it. I'll have Mr. Linky up from as early as Sunday noon, CST (Texas Time) and then you can link your post to Mr. Linky. It's easier and less work and I hope can join. It doesn't have to be your mailbox, you can make it anonymous.

  7. Look at the ornament on the horse's head! Cool!

    I guess this sure catches the tourists' attention.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. You and i heart manila have similar photos today. ;) Here in Manila, they're called calesa or caritela (very Spanish).

  9. Beautiful tack the horse is wearing, but I hope he can see where he's going.


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