About Bandung

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bandung Cathedral: The History

5 JULI 2008 NIKON D70 069B

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

The Bandung Cathedral or the Saint Peter Church on Merdeka Street (merdeka means freedom) is one of the most notable landmarks of the city of Bandung.

The church, which was designed by Ir. C.P. Wolff Schoemaker, was built as part of the Civic Center area (which includes a city hall, a park, a school, a police station, a bank, and a Protestant church) when the city of Bandung received its municipality status (Dutch: gementee) on April 1, 1906. Its construction began in 1921 and was completed and consecrated by Mgr. Luypen on February 19, 1922.

The Saint Peter Church replaced the Saint Regis Church which had previously served the Catholics in Bandung from 1895.

Catholics make up about 3.05 percent (or about 6.5 millions) of Indonesian population (as of the year 2000).


  1. Very clean and modern building, considering it was designed in 1906! Nice.

  2. Wow...from this angle, the cathedral looks really high and grand.

    Together with your entry on the ceiling of a mosque earlier on, we often see the best of architecture in places of worship.

  3. It reallY has been well cared for. Such a beautiful churcg, photogrphe with one of my favourite up angles.
    I had not realised hte catholic population was so small.

  4. 3% are Catholic? How interesting. And the cathedral is beautiful. You have a good eye Eki..

  5. wohoo....this photoblog still alive! nice one..

  6. What a great angle for this building here, looks as if it is reaching for the sky!

  7. I like the design it's nice, beautiful angle!!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday post, Eki, and letting me know about this post. I'm of the same thought as Hilda. the lines are so clean for 1906. This picture is beautifully exposed and composed . . . good background info too ;)


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