About Bandung

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cikapundung St. Used Magazines and Books Market

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

This is one of my favorite places in Bandung: The Cikapundung Street used magazines and books market. You can find used magazines and books of almost any sorts and in almost any major international languages here at prices so affordable that coming here is like taking a literary/publication tour around the world.

Jalan Cikapundung (Cikapundung Street) is a short tributary street adjecent to Asia Afrika Street in the center of the city. The market is located on the eastern sidewalk of the street. I don't know when this market started, but it's a popular destination for those who love reading and collecting old (and collectible) magazines and books.

More on this story on tomorrow's posting.


  1. What a fantastic expression on that guy's face!

  2. There always seems to be something going on in that city of yours, Eki. I wish I had a book market like this somewhere locally.

    Great shot, by the way...

  3. This photo is excellent and very candid. And, aren't used book shops great?

  4. I love second hand books!

    This is a brilliant photograph.

  5. Love the black and white photo and a chance to visit another country. Thank you..!

  6. Difficult to find such as this place in Riau, I don't know why??

  7. Great shot!!!!!!!!

  8. Sounds like that place could be a favorite too! The black and white photo was a great shot! I'd like to try that one of these days. hehe thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Another beautiful shot, Eki.

    I can understand why this is your favourite place..for any literary lover, this is probably similar to what a big feast is for a food lover.

  10. Oooh! If my husband and I were there, it would be one of our favorite places too! We can never go out without having to pass by a bookstore (new or used, preferably used).

  11. inspires me to take the similiar shot in Jogja, we have few places selling used magazines and books too

  12. Assalamualaikum pak Eki
    mudah2an masih ingat saya
    Rina LBIB. saya ingin belajar photography nih sama pak Eki, aku pake EOS400D.
    gimana caranya saya bisa kontak yah jika saya ke Bandung?

    sorry nih bukan comment.. *OOT*

  13. Definitely best as a monochrome. I could happily let time slip by rooting through these.


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