About Bandung

Monday, July 28, 2008

City of People: Youth Nationalism

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27 JULI 2008 CANON A510 168BB

27 JULI 2008 CANON A510 158BA

Text and pictures by Eki Qushay Akhwan

Before proclaiming its independence on August 17th, 1945, the archipelago that now makes up the Republic of Indonesia was colonized by the Ducth for nearly 350 years (with a brief break when the colony was transfered to the British), then occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army for about two and a half years during the Second World War. During all those years, Indonesians from various parts of the archipelago never stopped resisting the occupation and fighting for their independence. Dutch control over these territories was never an easy one, and total dominance was never achieved until early in the 20th century.

Having to fight long and hard for their independence, Indonesians are characteristically and understandably nationalistic. They have a very strong sense of nationalism. The Independence Day celebration is an occasion that is usually prepared well over a month ahead and involves nearly everybody.

I met these young people at Taman Merdeka (Bandung City Hall Park) today as they were practicing their part of the instruments of the marching band that is going to take part in the Independence Day celebrations. I'll post some more pictures tomorrow.


  1. Again tying into your theme and adding a history lesson allows me to get a very special view of your country which I never would have otherwise..thank you Eki!

  2. ma kasih udah mampir blog saya...:)
    lost track on your other blog

  3. Great pictures of these talented young people. How wonderful that your celebration means so much to the people of your country.

  4. Interesting history and nice photos too and hope you have a nice time celebrating your holiday too.

  5. I do love your 'city of people' series. Lots of information and the pics are nice as well.
    Well done Eki!

  6. My friend, you have a good eye for details and must be a people charmer too...

    Most people will avoid me as soon as I take my camera out.

    Nice shots!

  7. This kind of ptide and nationalism is very understandable. I am not a fan of the former Britih Empire. Excellent potrait study, and avery interesting series.


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