About Bandung

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Muscle Build Up

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

Here is, I think, another worldwide symptom of globalization: Our idea of a desirable or beautiful body image. Instead of being determined by the local wisdoms or values, it is now being constructed by the media (the press, movies, etc.). Muscle, fitness, and beauty related industries are thriving because we want to remake ourselves in the image the media has created. It is one of our shared and universalized "experience". Whether you are in Rome or Kuala Lumpur, Sydney or Bandung, images like this have become the standard with which we measure how beautiful our bodies are.

I took this picture at Braga Walk Mall, Bandung, where this fitness center parlor chain is located. I am sure, it's not difficult to find one like this at one of the malls where you usually shop at your city. Shopping, being fashionable, and having a desired body shape are one of our shared, universalized experiences in this globalized world.


  1. In your country too Eki? Here the size zero is prized with the very thin girls and the overly muscled boys leading to steroids, diet pills and eating disorders..I am sorry that it is happening all over too..

  2. Beautiful shot Eki.

    It is sad that many of us go after images and status glorified by mass media. Most of the time, these are not what we want if we look deep within ourselves.
    Many crave for attention too much.. makes us think really hard that at the end of the day, are we really that lonely?

  3. Don't give me homework!

  4. So true, also what you wrote in your last post. Though exercise and being healthy in general is very good, it's the imposition of unrealistic images of beauty that I abhor. Does Bandung have a proliferation of body and facial care centers like in Manila? I think it's crazy.

  5. That's right, I found it in SKA Mall Pekanbaru, a week ago but, picture for parfum product..

  6. Interesting blog. Interesting pictures, and most importantly, interesting insight. Great one. Salam kenal juga.

  7. never thought to take a photograph of this picture, even its spreading in every road in my town, great insight :D


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