About Bandung

Monday, July 14, 2008

Plaque and Rubber Stamp Makers

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

These plaque and rubber-stamp makers offer their services on the west side of Jalan Cikapundung (Cikapundung Street) across from where the used books and magazine market is. In color, their carts and tradewares would look very colorful, but I want to present this in black and white as a symbol of their fast-fading chance of survival. With the advent of digital era with machineries that can make what they make faster and better, I don't know if I could still see them five or ten years from now.


  1. So many jobs and talent are fading away..it's sad..but what a good idea to show it in black and white..

  2. Excellent b&w study. What's even better is your explanation and analogy of why you chose monochrome for this subject. That shows a lot of forethought and underlines what makes a great photographer espeically in your case social photography.

  3. Nice photo.. the state where both stall owners looked quite free probably hinted that business was slow.

    However think those small business will still need their services.

  4. This reminds me so much of Metro Manila too. :)

    I think ours will last for quite some time yet. Not many can afford going digital, and these people offer services that other people still need (especially the key duplicators).

  5. An excellent photo...really well composed. And a good choice of b&w, too.

    It will be a shame to see the likes of these chaps & their craft disappear.

  6. Nicely done, Mr. Eki. As I said, i love your B&W. Gotta try it one of these days. And disappearing professions, old buildings anything that gets lost in time makes me sad.

  7. Some will survive I think, while others will have to find new ways of making a livelihood.

    I enjoyed your used books and magazines posts. Too many things are simply discarded and end up in the garbage heap in 'richer' places, much to the detriment of the environment.

  8. people will only be survived by having a great passion of living. even though only by selling stempel and plakat


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