About Bandung

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Road to Freedom is Full of Perils


Text and pictures by Eki Qushay Akhwan

Repainting buildings and cleaning up the neighborhoods are parts of our tradition in celebrating our Independence Day. They have the symbolic meanings of renewing our spirits of patriotism and act as some sort of sacred anniversary wish that the republic that our forefathers and mothers have founded with their sacrifices may see a brighter and better future.

The workers you see in the picture above are repainting the facade of Gedung Sate (West Java Governor's Office Mansion). They were relying only on bamboo scaffolds to do their job. It is a perilous job indeed considering the height of the building. While the road to our independence was really littered with perils, I don't think this should be re-enacted today, sixty three years after we declared independence. The road to our independence my be full of perils, but the future should see a more just and prosperous Indonesia.

Here is another picture of workers repainting Bandung City Hall. The ground job is of course not as risky as that in the top picture.

perilous job


  1. what a great building, and again I see workers smilling!! wonderful!

    thank you for visiting me and your kind words!

  2. The first photo reminds me of the Phinisi Nusantara. A moment worth captured.

    Gonna be in Bandung this weekend, wondering if we can meet for a chit chat...or snapping around.

  3. Great post today eki. I love the symbolism of repainting buildings as a form of renewal and remembrance...

  4. HOw wonderful that the citizens feel so strongly that they want to make the city as clean and presentable as they can. As always, your comments add so very much to your lovely photos.

  5. Oh my goodness..it looks dangerous to be painting the building at such heights without safety measures.

    If there are any accidents, wouldn't it tarnish the significance of the building?

  6. This is a nice set of photographs. It reminded me, somewhat, of the Japanese and their use of bamboo in building scaffolding to some great heights.

  7. Wow, those workers are brave - and the photo is great! We are very keen to visit Indonesia, but we have a baby on the way, so it may be a few years away yet!

    The Broken Man


  8. Belle photo et belle histoire ! Cependant ce travail est vraiment dangereux. J'espère qu'il n'y aura pas d'accident !

  9. Eki..The workers on bamboo makes me think of our very close we are to losing our own freedom and sense of identity. We have to walk carefully in life and always be aware of what is around us..

  10. What dedcation (or desperation?) to work such a dangerous job.

    I landed here as one of my 5 new blog visits a week and I'm glad I did. I will be back to learn more about your city.

  11. I discover your blog, it's a great way to discover bandung!
    Bravo !


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.