About Bandung

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Street Magician

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

Of course you know what's going to happen when you stick a needle into an inflated balloon. But this man is a magician. So, don't worry! Nothing's going to happen to the balloon.

This street magician is performing his trick in front of his audience at the Gasibu Square. And he did it not for tips; he was paid by a sponsor advertising its products.


  1. I noted your comment on a previous blog featuring John Adams and I also have the book you read and enjoyed it.

    I think your photography has become special. I think this is one of the best photographs I have seen today. It is very encouraging and your photography is spot on.

    I really admire your selection of what to photograph and your critical eye for composition, lighting and texture.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Brookville Daily Photo

  2. I found you through Dina at Jerusalem Hills. A wonderful photo, Eki! I like all the ones on this page. I also like your opening essay about how you feel about your city.

  3. Eki,
    Thanks for your kind comments regarding the 4th of July celebration here in the US. They were much appreciated!

    This is a really nice photo. I like your choice of BW and the composition as well. The water park below looks like so much fun.

  4. Hi, Eki!
    Very interesting. . So, the balloon doesn't explode? If I were to try that, we'd have latex all over the place!

  5. Eki,that's a very beautiful photo :)
    Am sure the kids were all awed by the magician's performance.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I remember as child if you put sellotape on the balloon then put a pin through the sellotape the ballon did not burst. I can't see that here thoguh. Fabulous portrait. You've really captured the intensity and concetration of the magician, and b&w the perfect format. I have been enjoying your work to date, and i look forward to seeing more.


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.