About Bandung

Friday, August 15, 2008

City of People: Old Habit Dies Hard - Exploring Street Photography #2

old habit dies hard

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

The habit may begin as an innocent tryout. Then it sticks. How many smokers have tried quiting the the cigarette addiction. How many fail. The old habit dies hard.

Another picture of my City of People series taken from the streets. And as I promised yesterday, I'm going to write more about street photography.

Street photography usually concentrates on a single human action caught at what Henry Cartier Bresson called "the decisive moment". It is the moment that tells the whole story in a single frame.

Although not always, street photography is usually done as black and white photographs.


  1. Eki..that is a fantastic photo. I thought of my Mother who despite lung disease keeps smoking..old habits do die hard..

  2. That's an excellent photo Eki - it really does say everything it needs to, no more, no less. You always tale such excellent photos of people.

    I myself have quite smoking twice - the most recent time it has actually stuck for 5 years, no mean feat. It's amazing how habits like that creep up from such "innocent" beginnings...

  3. J'aime bien cette série de photographies prises dans la rue. Elles sont très expressives.

  4. Eki, these street shots are spectacular. I love the intimacy of these images. I share your love of this kind of photography. Bresson would approve!

    More, please!

  5. wonderful capture! it sure does say a lot of things! your explanation of street photography is interesting.

    Do check out my Independence Day SkyWatch post here

  6. Love this photo also.. I have put you on my blog roll and am honored that you have put me on yours Thanks

  7. Eki, I just purchased Bresson's collection of Paris photographs. A feast for the eyes. I am enjoying your street photography so very much. This one today says it all.

  8. I saw a video online yesterday about street photography. I will have to find the link and send it to you. He was teaching how to do street photography. But, I think he could take a lesson from you.

  9. I agree with what other commenters have said and I propose to follow your further explorations of street photography with interest.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.