About Bandung

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ride Your Horse or Run with It ...

5 JULI 2008 NIKON D70 034

Text and picture by Eki Qushay Akhwan

The title of this post might have you baffled. But yes, it's what happens here. Well, sort of. :)

Horse riding is one of the attractions offered at Ganesha Street and the areas around Bandung Zoo. The service is offered particulary to children (adults are welcome too) for 15 to 50 thousand rupiahs (about 2 up to 5 US dollars) depending on how long the round you or your children want to have. Children love this. For safety reason though, they can't ride on their own. The owner of the horse would run alongside the horse, guiding it and its running pace, while a child is riding it. On a good weekend day, a horse owner like in the above photo could have 5 up to 10 rides on his horse. Imagine how much running he has to do if each round is about two kilometers long. It must be quite an exercise for him, but hey ... he's making reasonably good money too.


The above photo is an example of a rather unsuccessful attempt at camera panning, i.e. a technique in photography in which a photographer, setting his/her camera on slow shutter speed, turns it horizontally to follow a subjec't motion and create the illusion of motion - still subject with steaked background - in a picture.


  1. as a kid i used to come here to ride horse

  2. We have something similar to this at our country fairs. They used to have boys hold the ponies while walking around in a circle with a young rider on the back of the pony. Then they went to a metal thing that each pony is clipped onto and they just walk around in a circle held by the clip on the metal thing. I think it must be similar to your photo today.

  3. It may not have come out just as you wanted but it shows the fast movement you talked about and I like it..

  4. Ive found that panning in priority mode works.. Panning horses is kind of difficult since their movement is not smooth.. I do like this shot, tell a nice story

  5. Brings back memories of my son riding those horses when we were in Bandung in 2005.

  6. I love the blur. It looks like what it feels like to ride a horse when you're a kid and it's all so fast and exciting!

  7. You may consider an unsuccessful attempt, but the photo really does look great to me, Eki! I love it!

  8. Sounds like the horse ride parks in Baguio and Tagaytay cities here. Not in Metro Manila though. Kids really love it — and I did too when I was a kid. :)

  9. I have not perfected camera pannig. Like this one though. Good job.

  10. Hi Eki.. I like the effect of this photo.. shows the speed and movement.


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