About Bandung

Friday, September 26, 2008

Skywatch Post: Bandung's Late Afternoon Sky

Evening on Campus - Copyrights Eki Akhwan

Here comes that day of week again, Friday, the Skywatch Day.

My SWF photo today is of Bandung's late afternoon sky. I shot this photograph last Friday from the parking lot of the Indonesia University of Education (UPI) campus in the north of Bandung. The near shillouette building behind the trees at the background is the new student house (dormitory) whose construction has only recently been completed.

You can go here to check other photos of this week's Skywatch Friday posts.


  1. Awesome catch! Great job... Hope you can visit my entry too... Happy SWF!

  2. Bandung! Saya di Bandung tahun 2002 dan 2008. Saya rindu sekali. Bagus fotonya.

  3. What I like most about this shot is that it really does capture the feeling of a late, lazy afternoon. That makes it special.

  4. Glad you shared this beautiful shot of bandung skyscape.

  5. This one is spectacular. Love the clouds and rays and colors. Nice job.

  6. Wonderfully captured at a magical point in time. Skywatch really is a great leveller, we can all join in.

  7. A spectacular sky, well captured.

  8. This was my very first "visit" to Bandung -- thank you for showing us your city, and the skies above :)
    There is as if a hole in the sky, and this bright ball of fire just above the tree-top level. I do like this!

  9. I like the composition of this photo - well balanced and interesting. Have a happy weekend!

    Tink *~*~*
    My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

  10. Cool shot. Love the way the sky lines lead you in the image.

  11. Great photo! I do love sky shots. Do you know how to make the linky things in reguards to doing one for the Scavenger Hunt? I am up for suggestions.... Thanks

  12. Pretty with the silhouete in front.

  13. I think this is my favorite yet! Wow!

  14. Eki!

    Very beautiful!
    Cantik sekali, terutama sinar mentari melalui awan tu.

  15. You caught it just at the right time and it is very imaginative! Happy SW Eki...


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.