About Bandung

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

An Aerial View of Bandung # 1

Bandung is a city surrounded by mountains. On this photo of aerial view of the northern part of Bandung, the mountain on your left side is Mt. Burangrang, and on your right side is Mt. Tangkuban Parahu (a name which literally means "capsized boat" in reference to the mountain's shape).


  1. Minal Aidil Walfaidzin Eki. Magnificent view of Bandung city. I was lucky I had the opportunity to view the city while on the way up to Kampung Daun one night. It was really breathtaking!

  2. Wow, Bandung looks a very crowded city. Love those beautiful mountains.

  3. That is a wonderful view over part of the city.
    I think it is important to also have some fresh mountain air to close where one lives!

  4. It is so big! I really like the roof tops. What is the population of your city! Wonderful shot

  5. great general view of the city... thanks for adding me to your followed blogs... :-)

  6. Nice photos, nice city! Can I link your blog on mine?

    Nuhun Kang..

  7. That is such a fabulous overview. Makes by maountains and hills look so small.

  8. Oh great. Now I have a better idea how the city looks overall.

  9. Eki..this is a beautiful view and I love the mountains in the background. The sky looks blue and clean even though I know you have mentioned there is some problems with pollution as we have here too..

  10. Bandung dilingkung gunung, heurin ku tangtung...
    do you know that song???


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.