About Bandung

Saturday, October 11, 2008

City of People # 14: Shop Keeper

SHOPKEEPER copyrights Eki Akhwan

My "City of People" series of photographs in this blog began on July 24, 2008, with this photo of night basketballers. Since then I have posted 12 other photos for this series. Today's photo is the 14th in this series.

As you might remember from that first post, the City of People series comes from my conviction that people is the essence of a city, or a place for that matter. Without the people who live in it (and make it alive), a city is just a place or a name on the map. It is people who give birth to a culture, cultivate a civilization, and leave the different interesting artefacts that we see, capture in photographs, and enjoy. Our understanding of these things, therefore, can't be complete without a least some understanding of the people who create them.

So, here it is, another photo of the people of Bandung. This beautiful, friendly, and intelligent girl works as a shop keeper at King's Shopping Centre, on Jalan Kepatihan (Kepatihan Street), Bandung.


  1. Great shot Eki, love her all enveloped in her work environment. Bravo. I LOVE this series. IT is such fun and we are getting a real feel for your fabulous city!

  2. She looked so shy....:) A nice photo Pak, maybe for the city of people in Bandung...teenagers sitting around at Dago street becomes an interesting part of Bandung...in case, I never know yet...

  3. Hi Saudara Eki, the girl's smile is infectious ;)

  4. I hate to say this but our shop keepers are mostly rude. Rarely do you find friendly ones. I'm glad to know that you've found a great friendly shopkeeper.

  5. I also like the 'City of People' series. Cute girl!

  6. I have looked some photos in this blog. So far, I love photos you've taken.
    First time i saw this photo, i don't think she is a friendly shopkeeper, she just try to be nice to get more shot.

  7. I love shots like this. I totally agree with you that the people make the city. Keep them coming!

  8. I'm enjoying this series and I agree completely with what you say. Cities are made by people. It is the people who give life and meaning to all the material artifacts: the buildings, parks, roads, dumps, shops and houses, etc.

  9. BEAUTIFUL, Eki! I just love this series of yours. You have such a knack for bringing us the heart and soul of Bandung. I'm already in love with your city's people.

  10. I agree with you about the "essence of a city" theory but it's so difficult to approach people and sometimes scary and easier to frame buildings and nature. We should all try more to concentrate on people!
    I like your street photography. Bravo!

  11. Lovely looking girl. How sweet of her to allow us to see her in her work environment. A very enjoyable series, explained well to ayone stopping by for the first time.n

  12. It is so hard to imagine being able to walk around any city where I live and ask someone to take their photo without them being really disturbed by it. The openness of your people makes your effort possible. And she is a very beautiful girl...


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.