About Bandung

Friday, October 31, 2008

City of People # 17: Psychic and Paranormal

These psychics and/or paranormals are offering their services at Alun-Alun Bandung (Bandung City Square). They claim that they can heal different kinds of diseases, tell you what kind of person you are, and what career and life path is best for you according to their reading of your "primbon" (the unseen forces of the cosmos).

Although paranormal and psychic phenomena and practices are considered unscientific (especially by Western scientifi traditions), there have been verifiable proof that they can and do heal diseases, foretell with relatively high degree of accuracy of a distant future event, find a missing person or thing, hold or move the rain, and even tell a person's personality and life path whom the practitioner has never met. Some paranormals here even claim that they can help you with your love life - making someone that you love loves you back and be faithful to you all his/her life.

This black and white (monochrome) photo is, by the way, my participation for the photo blogging meme Monochrome Maniacs by Aileni.


  1. I have always been intrigued by the paranormal

  2. Thanks for joining the Mono Maniacs,
    You take a fine picture and have a good photojournalistic approach. I like the way you have the tones right when using digital. I am not sure I have and because I am presenting past work I have printed myself, am not trying conversion very hard.
    I am also using B&W neg at the moment.
    I am a strange person, scientific, sceptical, yet believe there are paranormal events.

  3. A beautiful done black and white shot! So much detail, and you captured the subjects so well, that I am enjoying looking at the photo again and again! Great shot!

  4. perfect for Halloween day, very interesting post and great photo!!!

  5. Very interesting post. I like the b/w photo take here.

  6. do you think they can predict the US election result?

  7. It's all quite fascinating--the phenomenon, your photo, your story.
    BTW, is it expensive?

  8. There are many here in Italy as well, Eki. They even have their hours on private television. Personally speaking I am skeptical about this but totally respect the opinion of who believes in it. Unfortunately - at least in this part of the world - many people fall into the wrong hands with disastrous economical consequences for them.
    I like the photo very much, as it is in your journalistic style!! Well done.

  9. Hm...I'd like to have my fortune told but then again... =D


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.