About Bandung

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My World Tuesday Post: The Dance of The Peacock

I know, I promised you that I'd post the second installment of the photo essay about Bandung's traditional wedding; but the essay involves a lot of photos and quite a bit of a story to tell, and frankly speaking I'm a bit busy today and don't have the time to prepare and upload the photos and write the story. So, instead of continuing with the essay, today I bring you this photo of these beautiful "Tari Merak" dancers.

These "Tari Merak" (Dance of The Peacock) dancers are part of the party that welcome the groom's entourage at my friend's wedding last Sunday (see yesterday's post).

"Tari Merak" is a relatively new composition dance. It was coreographed by a prominent Bandung (Sundanese) artist Raden Tjetje Somantri in the 1950s. The graceful movements of this dance are inspired by the behavior of "burung merak" (the peacock), a native Indonesian bird that is known worldwide for its beautiful and colorful feathers.

The coreography of "Tari Merak" has been revised/modified twice since it was created. Both modifications were made by Irawati Durban Ardjo. The first modification was made in 1965, and the second in 1985.

This post is my participation for the new meme My World Tuesday. To see photos and stories from other participating blogs from around the world, please follow this link.


  1. How interesting & equisite! The image tells a great story.

  2. Maryann is right, exquisite is the perfect description. I love the expressions on the dancers' faces!

  3. Eki: What wonderful outfits with the Peacock head dress and the Peacock eyes on the cape.

  4. What gorgeous costumes.The color is spectacular. Tis is great fun, Eki!

  5. Peacocks are so majestic and so are these dancers!

  6. Beautiful dancers.The costumes are stunning. Great post.

  7. Please visit to my blog to see your award.

  8. The Peacock dancers are so gorgeous, very interesting

  9. Eki, I'm giving you the Kreativ Blogger award. Stop by my blog to pick it up :-)

  10. Thank you for the wonderful tour. This 2nd week of meme really makes us appreciate the many places that we don't usually see or ever had a chance to visit like the one you showed me in this post. Hope you get to have time to check my world too. Another great job and more to come in the coming weeks.

  11. I like the Tari Merak dancers...they like to smile and beautiful...hem...the beauty of Indonesians. Actually, Sundanese's representing the great culture as well as Angklung and its uniqueness.

  12. The colors and costumes are amazing.

  13. Oh my..those beautiful costumes. The color and detail is amazing. I will wait to see more of the wedding photos when you have the time. But it makes our ceremonies here look sort of bland almost. Not that any wedding is bland, maybe not as involved is a better word...

  14. Beautiful and graceful and a great capture of these wonderful colours, Eki!!

  15. Beautiful dancers and beautiful photo. I found you through Nobu.

  16. As the others have already said, these dancers look stunning. Your friends wedding must have been beautiful.

  17. You know how to do weddings! This is fantastic! I'm not disappointed in the different post because this one is so wonderful

  18. Wow! I wonder how long it'll take to complete the costumes!

  19. Dance and music on the streets like these is a joy to see.Great moments. Wonderful shots too Saudara Eki.

  20. Those beautiful girls deserved a beautiful photo and they had it!!

  21. yoy should get a price for this photo, amazing, wow!! thank you so much for the award!!

  22. They are beautiful girls in vibrant peacock colors.

  23. i love to see this in the future. im really curious of this culture.

  24. Very interesting and look like a fun dance. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Amazingly beautiful! The peacock costumes are perfect.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.