About Bandung

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bandung Road-Side Culinary: Have Order Will Cook

Bandung has a lot of road-side food stalls selling different kinds of foods. Some of them are ready to eat food, some are cooked upon order like the one pictured in the above photo. These food stalls usually open in the evening. Some of the foods they sell are really good and very popular among locals and visitors from other places in Indonesia.


  1. You make me want to sample all those different foods.

  2. Eki, once again you blow me away with your street photography. Look at the composition in this shot!!!!!

    Now that I'm finished fawning over your talent, let us know what kind of food is served in one of these establishments. I still don't have a good grasp of what Indonesian food is like.

    Beautiful work as always, my friend.

  3. Street food---they are the best.

    I am glad you featured some more street photography.

  4. It's the ultimate "Have it your way" fast food. Is it healthier than what we have here?

  5. Hi Eki!

    Yupp.. I agree. You can find the best local dish at road-side stalls. Ayam Goreng Barokah nearby blok M plaza is one of my favourite. Simply delicious!

  6. street food is very cheap. and it's so delicious.

  7. just the thought of street foods makes my mouth water. =)

  8. We have road side stalls too but their business are nowhere good. It's a change to see Bandung seller thriving.

  9. Hi Eki,
    Here in Kuching side culinary only in the evening till midnight.
    Beautiful street photo.

  10. I miss street food living here. No call for it apart from the two weeks the motorbikes are here. You really have the marbellous place for sttreet photography and no delicious food too.You've really captured the flurry

  11. really? you can actually ask them to cook for you right there? very cool!

  12. And all we have here are McDonalds which is so unhealthy..

  13. great shot again, I don't why I'm hungry I love asian food!!


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.