About Bandung

Friday, November 14, 2008

Bandung Street Documentary # 7: Fish in Plastic Bags

This man sells gold fish and other pet fish on a cart at a street near Lapangan Gasibu (the Gasibu Square), Bandung. As I said in several of my posts before, Lapangan Gasibu, which is located just accross the street from Gedung Sate (West Java Gubernatorial Mansion), turns into a makeshift market every Sunday morning. Different kinds of things are sold here, including these fish.


  1. So original subject.
    A temptation for young kids! If I lived there, I would avoid to pass in front of this cart : )

  2. Wonderful shot! I dont think I have ever seen anyone selling fish on a cart here.

  3. Oh that's very nice to see. I wonder if the prices are reasonable. Happy weekend.

  4. Wow..that is a lot of fish and they look like goldfish. I wonder how he carries them home everynight and then back to the street in the morning..

  5. Carpe Diem ! I am sorry Eki, I just couldn't help myself on that lame joke. Love your street shots as always.

  6. Golden Ariwana fish is very pricey here & like satok night market in Kuching many choice of fishes in plastic bags of all kind of spices.
    Nice picture.

  7. I've never saw this before! Thank you!

  8. We also have people selling goldfishes by the market stalls. I used to have a few goldfishes but they died somehow and my interest also 'cooled' down. ;)

  9. What an odd and wonderful scene! I have never seen a vendor selling pet fish before. As always, Eki your street photos are amazing.

  10. It's a pretty sight; well, maybe not for the fish looking out of the bag. I have distant memories of carrying pet fish home in a bag in Chicago.

    Eki, thank you so much for your blessing to my grandson. It is so touching! I add amen to it.

  11. i thought it's only in the philippines where people sell fish on cellophane.

  12. Being an aquariophilist, this photo really catch my eye, but I feel sorry for the poor fish under those stressful sale conditions... I hope all of them end in a nice pond.


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