About Bandung

Monday, November 10, 2008

Black and White Landscape Photography: Crater Trees

These crater trees grow around Kawah Ratu (The Queen Crater) of Mount Tangkuban Parahu about 45 kilometers north of Bandung.

Tangkuban Parahu, which literally means Capsized Boat, is a popular tourist destination in West Java. I'll tell you about the legend behind the name tomorrow as I post another photo of this beautiful crater. If you are a frequent visitor to this blog, you may remember that I have previously posted a distant view picture of this mountain here.

I took this photo with my pocket, 3.2 megapixel camera.

This photo is my participation for the Monocrhome Maniacs meme. Click the link to see other particpants' great black and white photographs.


  1. This is superb, really excellent image. One of my most fave so far.

  2. That is a very good picture - strong contrast. I like it.

  3. Wow! We are really close today! Great shot, of course!

  4. Beautiful shapes in b&w! Great photo!

  5. Great shot! when I saw your photo, I thought it was 'Kawah Putih", but I was wrong.

  6. I'm sure this B&W could be the original colors of your picture.
    In South of France, after forest fires, we can see such desolated tree, trying to resist on a lunar landscape.
    Maybe, in fact, your ground, earth is red, or really grey, anyway, your picture excellent.

  7. Get outta here!!!!! A P& S with 3.5 Megapixels and you got this fabulous photo????? Oh my, Eki this is one of your best, but there are a lot of those. Wonderful image and the BW or maybe not? is perfect.

  8. Very haunting shot! Looks like that tree has a few stories of its own.

  9. This is wonderful B&W photo!!!
    Oh ya..you are asking about the Malay Cakes that sold here(Serian).
    To name a few Penyaram,cakoi,pulut manis,seri muka & some I don't even know the name.
    Have a nice day.

  10. The tree in the foreground works well with the background. Lots of texture, which is very nice. ;-)

  11. i believe the mountains are really beautiful in indonesia. it was featured last year in one of national geographics issue.

  12. Great textures. I would also like to see this one in colour.

  13. Beautiful.
    And the background is impressive.

  14. Fascinating, you should frame this photo...I'm sure it'll look awesome on the wall.

  15. This hightlights everything I have been saying. No point in having a good camera if you can't take photographs.Incredible image.

  16. Great shot, I have been looking through your blog, great photos, thanks for sharing your city with us

  17. This looks like a charcoal drawing that my mother did and is hanging in my house. There is something so striking and haunting about the photo

  18. What a wonderful picture!


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.