About Bandung

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bandung Street Documentary # 9: Dangerous Street Act

This is one of the things I can't be proud of Bandung. These men were sitting and standing on top of a moving open pick up truck carrying a pile of boxes of electronic goods on a busy street. What they were doing was of course against the law (not to mention endangering their own lives) but there was no police officers around. I wish they realized how dangerous it was to do that.


  1. I don't know, Eki, some guys just seems to thrive on danger. I'll never understand it.

  2. Hi.
    Always interesting reading your posting. I'm glad we don't see this to often her in Norway, but it happens and it can en with the driver losing the driving license..

  3. Oh wow...that is dangerous..but people don't believe it until something bad happens..

  4. Hi Eki!

    A common sight in Jkt too. I find it disturbing that they seem oblivious to the dangers of their actions. Spending millions on ads to educate the mass on road safety would be a waste if the people themselves seem to put little value on their life.

    Sometimes I feel like giving them a good knock on their head!

  5. It is indeed tough and risky to earn a living this way.

  6. A common sight here in my place too. Its a sight that never fails to make me shake my head.

  7. How fun - you are welcome to join at http://hourless.blogspot.com

  8. That is truly a dangerous sight! I'm thankful I haven't seen anything like that in person yet. :)

  9. It's a dangerous way to ride but this is often seen in Philippines as well.

  10. I suppose we can say that the scene is so Indonesia style. :P


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