About Bandung

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

La Musique Petite

I'm a bit behind with my posts and blogging. It's been a very hectic week at work that I barely had the time to even check my emails, let alone attended to my blog.

I will try to catch up with the posts I have missed in the next few hours. But first, I'd like to thank those of you who have visited my blog and kindly left comments on my posts. I'll return your visit as soon as I can.

Today's photo is not exactly new. I took it about a year ago. The girl in the photo is a member of a marching band group competing in a school marching band festival and competition. If I remember it correctly, this competition is a regular event held annually to encourage schools and school children in Bandung to play music and, in particular, marching band.

I had to run around like a photo journalist to follow the dynamic march of the bands and get close to the players to get this photo. I'm glad I did though. I managed to get some nice angles and captured some expressive moments there that are worth the efforts I made. I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I did taking it.


  1. Good catch of a wonderful face, and hands too.
    What is her instrument?

  2. That instrument strikes me oddly. I had not seen it before. Lovely photo. If I could capture one of this shot, I'll be eternally proud of it. ;)

  3. You did a wonderful photojournalism job on this. Aplogisies fo not being around much. Laptop Kaput.

  4. She looks so concentrated! I wonder if she ever realized that you photographied her.

  5. I enjoy viewing the great moment of your capture.It is nicely done.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. This is a fantastic image. Well done! You have composed and framed it perfectly and the B&W image really adds a lot. Really enjoy it.

  7. The instrument is Pianica, a cross between flute and children piano. I think every Elementary School children in Indonesian must have play these at one time.

  8. Cute photo..Unusual instrument..


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.