About Bandung

Friday, December 12, 2008

Skywatch Friday: Longing for The Sky

For its vastness, sky symbolizes freedom, hope, and eternity. How often do we look up to the sky in search of these things. But many of us - if not most - are not free. We look up to the sky from the confinement of our limited space and time.

This post is for my participation in the Skywatch Friday meme. Please follow the link to see other photos of the sky from around the world.


  1. I like your photo.It is getting more artistic.

  2. Oh clever Eki...Would not have thought of this...

  3. Hi Eki. Very nice photo. Well composed and framed. It really draws your eye into it. I used to have a job working outside where I got to see the sky all the time. Now I gaze at it through the window of my office, often longing to be out from behind this desk.

  4. Love this photo today and your comments very thought provoking. You do both so very well.

  5. Beautifully expressed and illustrated!

  6. There is no such thing as free lunch and everything has an opportunity cost. Thanks for reminding this to me by way of your pcture.

  7. A different perspective from you. Clever shot! Have a nice weekend.

  8. That was a wonderful allegory.
    I love your "ladder" to reach a free Sky. Precisely at this moment , Eki, this picture has a particular meaning for me.

  9. A word for this picture

  10. I like this shot! A new perspective of looking at a window frame! Mmmmm..give me an idea to be more observant when I come face to a window frame in future.


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