About Bandung

Monday, January 19, 2009

Banana Vendor at Cipaganti Street

This banana vendor is selling the fruit on the sidewalk of Jalan Cipaganti (Cipaganti Street). Vendors like this usually carry the fruit from the countrysides in the northern parts of Bandung on a scale-like carrier with bamboo baskets on both ends (called "rancatan" in Sundanese or "pikulan" in Indonesian - see picture) in the morning and waits for buyers on the street side all day. Jalan Cipaganti is a favorite place for these vendors because it is very shady with old-growth mahogany trees and a one-way and strategic street that connects the busy commercial parts of the city in the south and upscale residential areas in the north. As these vendors carry the fruit directly from their gardens/orchards, the price here is usually cheaper than that in the market or supermarket.


  1. This is a great shot. It really gives me a sense of all the activities going on. I can almost hear all the noises. And those bananas...yummy! You live in a beautiful place. Hi from California.

  2. Direct selling from garden owners to consumers is always interesting for both parties !
    Your picture reflects liveliness, and these wonderful trees are an invitation to go for a walk, Eki.
    We also get our direct vendors along roads. This scene could be set in France, except for baskets presentation. They're so asian.

  3. Very interesting shot. I wonder if permit is required to sell your wares on the sidewalk.

  4. What I love is that you get the real feeling of their comraderie as one looks and chooses and the other sells his produce. Just a warm wonderful scene from your city Eki as only you can do.

  5. it is indeed a nice place because of those big trees. it's very similar to baguio city.

  6. Those banana have fresh green colour, looks delicious.

  7. Those pikulan looks so familiar like here. We dont call them pikulan but I do know pikul is to carry over here.

  8. It's a natural picture. It can represent the daily life of vendors who sell goods to earn some money in hot and cold weather. What a great shot!

  9. It has a that sense of place of people that I cannot capture here. We just do not have street vendors, street art, buskers.

  10. We have a local farmer's market but only for 3 months of the year. Lucky you to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables all year long..

  11. Bandung always my dream city. Look at the trees there, wow!

  12. So delicious and I love the shot. I love slightly green bananas and you got a great composition and color happening.


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