About Bandung

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bandung Zoo: The Elephant Safari Ride

Covering an area of only about 14 hectares, Kebun Binatang Bandung (Bandung Zoological Park or Bandung Zoo) is not very big, but it is very historical and popular. The zoo was officially established in 1933 when two previously existing zoos (Cimindi in the western part of the city and Dago Atas in the northern part of the city) were merged and their animal collections were moved to the current location at Taman Sari street near the campus of Bandung Institute of Technology.

Prior to the establishment of the zoo, Taman Sari was a botanical garden. This garden, named "Jubileum Park", was established in 1923 to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, the then colonial ruler of the Indonesian archipelago.

Bandung zoo currently has a collection of 218 species with nearly 1600 individual animals. In addition to the animals, the zoo also offers a variety of other attractions, such as this elephant safari ride. I'm going to post some more pictures and stories about this zoo later.


  1. I rode on an elephant once..I am trying to remember where. I think it was up in Canada. It was kind of scary being up so high and you away from side to side..

  2. Salam Eki and happy Sunday. Nice shot, honestly..saya pun tak pernah naik gajah. Certainly, dont mind sitting on one next time.

  3. Our children love to go to zoo but to be honest my state Sarawak we don't have zoo..we only have animal rehab centre.
    Nice picture & have a wonderful weekend.

  4. wow! i never tried riding an elephant. thatll definitely be exciting.

    you can rarely find an elephant here in the philippines. only in the zoo.

  5. The elephant looks like he knows where he wants to go - outside the park. Must be an exciting ride!

  6. Bonjour Eki,
    Surely a place where my 5 years old son would like to go ! An elephant ride would be appreciate by the whole family.
    I'll come back, particularly to watch more pictures about it.

  7. How nice to see an elephant wandering freely like this even if he is within the confines of a zoo. I put some elephant pics on Monte Carlo a day or so ago - they are with a circus - but I do love seeing them in the wild or as you show them best.

  8. Now that's something I'd like to be able to try!
    Please vote for the March theme, if you haven't yet. And please help spread the word too! :)

  9. So amazing! I've always wanted to ride an elephant. Someday I hope!

  10. Wow. What a wonderful way to get around. Nice shot.

  11. Sorry, the elephant doesn't look in the best of health - it seems thin and malnourished.

  12. I too like to see animal in run free like this. Those cramped zoos of old I never liked.

  13. Now I think I would LOVE to ride an elephant .. Can you arrange it Eki???

  14. Many people said that elephants are one of animals that have a good instinct and have a great love to human...if we look at their eyes, you can see how great they are; not only in their size but also in their faith.


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