About Bandung

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Cat Family's Story

This is Mawheck, my friend's sixteen-month old male Angoran cat, and the father of Maw Maw, my cat (below photo). Maw Maw is an eleven-month old female. She is not a pure Angoran cat. Her mother is a Siamese cat.

Maw Maw gave birth to three wonderful kittens three months ago when she was only seven month old. One of her kittens is this black and white male I call Uwee. He's my favorite because he was born with coat that resembles a suit and stockings on his feet. He's smart and cute too. Uwee's father is an unknow stray local cat.

Mawheck, Maw Maw, and Uwee are three generations of cats with different race.

According to a book about choosing and taking care of pet cats I have, cats are generally classified into four different types: Short hair, semi-long hair, long hair, and unusual hair. Exotic (a variety of Persian cat with short hair), Chartreux, Russian Blue, Korat, Manx, Japanese Bobtail, and Siamese cats are some of the types that belong to short hair category. The semi-long hair category, meanwhile, would include, among others, the Turkish Angora, Maine Coon, the Sacred Birman and the Ragdoll. The long hair type, according to this small book, only belongs to the Persian.

The most popular cat in Indonesia nowadays is the Persian (both the exotic short type and the long hair type).


  1. Your Uwee look alike our 4 month pet(cat) call zorrow.
    I love cat too.

  2. Uwee looks very much like MY cat! (She was a lone longhair black and white in a litter of shorthair gray kittens -- genes are interesting!)

    Aren't cats great? These are wonderful shots of those adorable fuzzy faces.

  3. Awww..I loved this post...The cats are so cute...The combination of the long fur and the siamese is so cute. I had a persian cat once and she was beautiful. My two cats are just domestic short hairs....cute.. cute post Eki...Michelle

  4. Very cute...I like your post Pak...and I like cats too. Day to day your posts seem so interesting. Sometimes it can be such my reference for my teaching...thanks Pak..

  5. ouu.... beautiful cat. I'm trying to love cat.I have cat phobia...

  6. Maw Maw is really an unusual combination of colors. All three are beautiful. Enjoy them!

  7. They're all three very elegant !
    But as every cat lover would say, what cat isn't elegant, distinguished, or haven't class ?
    They fascinate me.

  8. wowww..u r cat lover too..sometime i rather love cat than human being..hehehe

  9. Your cats are so cute.
    i love cat too.
    i have 10 cats in my house

  10. Salam,
    Swinging by from Hav Paws wiLL TraveLL...I love cats so I just can't resist to comment...hope you don't mind. Matur nuhun for sharing:)


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