About Bandung

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How Much Inspiration is Barack Obama?

How much inspiration is the US President elect Barack Obama here?

These two paintings displayed at the Taman Sari Artist Community stand at Braga Fest last week can probably become a testimony to how inspirational and popular he is here.

Back in October last year when he was a presidential candidate, six senior painters/artists at Bandung's Taman Sari Artist Community began working on their paintings of Obama. Each of these artists pictured Obama in different styles, such as realist, caricatural, abstract, and expressionist.

When asked of the reason for their project, Basuki Bawono, one of the artists, said that they were inspired to paint Obama because he was currently a popular figure and one that had a very close relationship with Indonesia. Obama, as many of us know, lived and went to elementary school in Indonesia from 1967 (when he was six years old) up until 1971. Bawono also said their paintings were meant to show support to the presidential candidate.

With his inauguration only a few days away, we really hope that Obama can deliver what he promised in his campaign: Change! We really have a lot of hope in him not only to bring about change for the better for the American people, but also for the people of the world, especially those who are currently living under oppression, fear, and poverty.


  1. We are very hopeful Eki. He is smart and has assembled a very good team in his cabinet. The problems here are staggering with the economy. But I am so hopeful for our future and that the rest of the world can see Americans as most of us really are, not what the world has seen for the last 8 years..

  2. Barrack Obama has a first hand knowledge of Indonesia. Hopefully he has a second look at US - Indonesia relations that is meaningful to both. I like the painting of him with his clenched fist. Looks like he is ready to take up change.

  3. Obama gives hope to the world, nice pictures.

  4. Time will tell I guess. It is very interesting that portraits are being painted in Indonesia. Has this ever happened for any other US President?

  5. The Art is lovely....

  6. I, too, hope Obama delivers on his campaign promises. Our economy is really terrible and the middle class is losing their jobs and cannot afford housing or health care. When it comes down to it, we are all just human beings with the same basic wants and desires for safety and a place to belong.

  7. Oh Eki, Our hopes are so high as well but he will need all of the world leaders to join him. One man, one country can't do it alone. It fills my heart that so many people around the world are so supportive of him and what he wants to do. Maybe.... just maybe.....

  8. I hope change will come too!!! For a better world!!!

  9. Barrack Husein Obama is just light in the dark....just as water in the desert ...we hope much to him, but the essential one is we should hope much to our God

  10. The first one is so lifelike !
    The artist caught his expression.
    Yes, of course, Eki, we can hope for the entire world.

  11. Well, here it is a year and some later. The changes that I see as an American citizen are not helping the US or anyone. Good talk but the wrong action.

    Yes, I was hoping it would be a good change.


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