About Bandung

Monday, February 9, 2009

Camel Ride

Camel ride at Bandung Zoo.

Bandung Zoo has quite a number of one-humped or Arabian camels (camelus dromedarius). Some of them are made available for a ride, like this one.


  1. That looks like fun..Well maybe not for me as I tend to fall off the moving objects...LOL..

  2. i love to ride one too!

    im back from a long and busy yet happy weekend.

  3. Wow! I've never ridden a camel before. Looks a little tricky...

  4. Where do I sign up. Looks like fun!

  5. You definitely can't do tat in the wildlife park here. A pity I would love to have a go.

  6. How to prevent global warning.
    Just for 3 family members and those who don't get sick : )


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