About Bandung

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Indonesian "Kangaroo"

Here is another collection of Bandung's Zoo: The Agile Wallaby (Wallabia Agilis).

Wallaby is a marsupial that, together with the kangaroo and wallaroo, belongs to the family of macropodidae (macropod = large foot). There are currently about 30 species of wallaby that have been identified, some of which - including this Agile Wallaby - are native to the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua (formerly called Irian Jaya) on the island of Papua.


  1. I hadn't realised there was so many varieties of kangaroo.

  2. Bonsoir Eki,
    These kangaroos are almost monochrome with the ground.

  3. Awwwww! They're so cute. Thanks EKI!

  4. They are really cute and I didn't know the difference between a wallaby and a kangaroo as it looks like a little kangaroo...

  5. wow! really?! i didnt know that there's a kangaroo in southeast asia. that's something you can be proud of.

    i hope they dont get extinct.

  6. This is something new I learn today!

  7. they're cute.
    BTW, I've been to Bandung's Zoo, but that is almost 15 years ago.

  8. hiks.. in Pekanbaru you will also find camel you know, Indonesia camel.. :)

    Eki I've sent you an e-mail, check it out.

  9. How cute!

    Oh, and while I'm here I wanted to mention that I got your pin (and a lttle something else that I hope you'll like) in the mail yesterday. I do hope that it arrives safely. M.Kate...(do you know her?)...says she has not been recieving all her packages that have been coming from overseas. I hope you guys don't have the same problems?!


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