About Bandung

Sunday, March 1, 2009


If you follow this blog regularly, you may have noticed that in past two weeks I have missed quite a number of posts. I have also noticeably not been able to visit my friends' and my favorite blogs regularly as I used to. My sincere apology. It's been a hectic time at work with lots and lots of things to do and deadlines to meet.

It is hard to keep a blog with sceduled daily updates and have a full time and demanding job at the same time. There are times when we simply have to choose and set priorities, and for me, these past weeks (and quite probably the following few weeks) are just that. I'd love to keep on blogging and posting regularly, but at the moment, it simply is not possible. It's time to give my attention and devote my time and energy to my job and the things that have higher priorities to do.

The apology and explanation said, I'd like to asure you that BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO will keep its commitment to post high quality pictures and useful information and commentaries as regularly as possible, and that I will make the efforts to keep visiting and commenting on my friends' and my favorite blogs every now and then (rest asured that I enjoy doing this and learn a lot from your blogs).

Today's photo is still from the same place as those of the previous two post: PVJ (Paris van Java). As you may have guessed, it's the decor for two occasions combined: the Valentine's Day and the Chinese New Year. Both, as you know, took place in February.


  1. Dear Eki, it's OK, you are entitled to have a life outside of blogging. :) We, your readers, will be happy with whatever you have time to share with us, and whenever. We are a patient lot.
    Good luck with your many responsibilities.

  2. Don't worry Eki! I think we all certainly understand the demands of work and also the time it takes to put into a blog of this sort. Good luck with things and I look forward to your updates when you can do them!

  3. I hope your schedule is kinder to you! Have a great day!

  4. I completely understand your priorities. Don't apology to do your best.
    We all know that blogging need a lot of free time. And time is not extendable.

    Your today picture is funny and perfect for friendship.

  5. Oh Eki..we all understand..Family, then job and then if you have time blogging...You are missed but we all understand....No apology is necessary. I am just glad that you are OK....Michelle

  6. good photo and don't worry about days you miss posting. we all go through the hectic times and may not make it some days or weeks. It is supposed to be fun. I have been trying to do my posts seven days in a row ahead of time but even that is hard. Hang in there.

  7. Eki, don't be be silly sausgae,no apologisies needed. Just promise to post as and when you can and hop along for a look at our blogs. Comments are not a priority at all on our blogs. I too have learnt so much about your area and culture and hope to continue the education, when time is better for you. Don't work too hard though.

  8. that's ok eki. time is gold and priorities are as important.

    just keep blogging.

  9. Almost everything should come before blogging.


Welcome to BANDUNG DAILY PHOTO, and thank you for making the time to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed your visit and come again. Thank you.

PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.