About Bandung

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My World: Cihideung Pink Roses

There are more than 100 species of roses, and pink roses of this kind (not too pale and not too dark) are said to be the symbol of perfect happiness, secret love, grace and sweetness, and - unfortunately also - indecisiveness.

That, I think, many of us know. But what's Cihideung?

Cihideung is the name of a flower, nay, flora village in the north of Bandung, where - quite literally - hundreds of species of flowers and plants, both local and overseas, are cultivated.

There is no information about when farmers here began to cultivate different flowers and plants, or how the flower farms began. My estimation is that farmers here began to shift from vegetable farming to flower farming in the early or mid 1970s. The shift must have taken place gradually because until the 1980s, I could still see quite a significant number of farmers cultivating vegetables, corn, cassava, and even paddy. Now with about 80 percent of the farmers here are in the flower cultivation business, Cihideung is quite arguably one of the largest flora production centers in Indonesia. In fact, according to a recent publication by the Indonesian Department of Agriculture, the name Cihideung has now become indentified as some sort of "trade mark" in the flower business here.

Here are some more pictures I took from my recent walk in this village. I will probably post some more photos of the flora and other decorative plants cultivated here at sometime later.

This post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation in this week's My World Tuesday meme and my friend M of Ramblingwood's meme of Nature Note. Please follow the links to visit other participanting blogs from around the world.


  1. you have a beautiful blog. I enjoyed the flowers in your world.

  2. Beautiful photos today! I love the roses...Have a great day!

  3. Beautiful photo,all of them.Every colour of roses has its own special vibrant and characteristic.

  4. I can see why the trademark is flowers. It must be magical to be in such a place!

  5. Beautiful flowers and that pink rose is gorgeous. I can almost smell it!

  6. A very colourful post today. I know many a gardener who would be happy all day here.

  7. This is perfect for Nature Notes Eki. What a beautiful place to visit with all the flowers. You didn't mention it, but they must export some of these flowers to have changed from food crops to flowers. How lucky that you have the perfect climate for all these beauties... Michelle

  8. Oh I would love to visit a place like that and get some to take home.

    Nice post.

  9. How beautiful! It must smell just wonderful there.

    Eki, I recieved your two buttons this week. So sweet of you to send them. I hope someday to get to see both those landmarks in person. Thank you so much for your kindness!

  10. These flowers are really stunning. Thanks for sharing these images.

  11. this means good weather right? the flowers bloom in the perfect season.

  12. What a wonderful place, it must be like pardise living in such a fertile place surrunded by flowers of every kind.

  13. Lovely selection. Your photos are beautiful.

  14. Wonderful places and flowers. I like this places very much. It looks great.
    Buy Indian domain


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