About Bandung

Monday, May 18, 2009

Colors of The Street # 4: Colorful Baskets

These colorful collapsible baskets are sold on the street side by some street vendors on Jalan Kapatihan in the center of the city.


  1. Colorful, light, practical, and it looks like they stand up on little legs. One would hold a lot of fruit and vegetables on my trip to the Jerusalem market. :)

    How are you, Eki? Lots of shalom sent your way.

  2. i mister i'happy to meet you in my blig acabhnews. p.s. great shot :-)

  3. I had one once. It's too weak, better put them like that, as a decoration :).

  4. My Mrs bought one set few days ago.Well,very useful indeed mainly for clothing:)
    Nice shot & have a nice day.

  5. Just gotta love these jellybean colors!

  6. So vibrant. I could find many uses for these. Good to see you are finding the time to post again. We do miss your street life.

  7. Wow. Those basket colors are stunning. I like all of them.

  8. we also have them here! I think most of the people I know use these as a hamper.


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