About Bandung

Friday, May 1, 2009

Skywatch Friday: Rain Bearing Clouds

I took this photo sometime ago from the balcony of my office. These gigantic dark clouds looked menacing, and I was awed. Dispite their look, however, I knew that we all need the water contained in them. Mother nature certainly has her own peculiar way of showing her mercy. Like a mother, a stern diapproving look does not always mean bad. Sometimes it's her way of showing that she cares.

This post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation in this week's Skywatch Friday.


  1. You're captured the moment wonderfully,it's rain very soon i quess :)
    Happy Labour Day & have a wonderful weekend.

  2. That's really a huge pile of clouds. I love the way you explain it.

  3. We also have many rain clouds like you photographed. It is a nice photo with the touch of blue.

  4. These clouds certainly look imposing! Good shot, mate!

  5. Very heavy clouds. Yes a storm coming remember to take an umbrella. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  6. Small blue sky over large clouds.
    Impressive photo!

  7. Let me find my unbrella quick!!!! Forgive my absence Eki, I will catch up while i"m here!

  8. Great capture! It looks like going to rain, be prepare.. :)

  9. Someone once said, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. My mom says, "Be worried if I just ignore you".

  10. Good to see you back. I have missed your take on your world so polar opposite to my own. It does look quite ominous.

  11. I like that little blue peeking out amidst that huge rain cloud!

  12. It has been a while since I have been able to get on and enjoy everyones blogs...Your photos are always awesome!! Have a great day Eki

  13. same here. the months of march, april and may are supposed to be summer but typhoons has just been passing day by day here.


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