About Bandung

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Youngest Election Observer

I snapped this photo at the balloting station where I voted in the Legislative Election on April 9. While I was waiting for my turn to go into the voting booth, this young girl suddenly approaced the KPPS (The Balloting Committee) desk and observed how they worked.

For your information, Indonesia has just completed the Legislative Election and is now preparing for the Presidential Election, which is scheduled to be held on July 8, 2009. Three pairs of candidates are running in this year's presidential election:

1. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY, the incumbent, a retired Indonesian National Army general and chairman of Partai Demokrat or the Democratic Party) and Prof. Boediono (who is currently the governor of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia's Central Bank. He is a non-partisan candidate chosen by SBY.)

2. Jusuf Kalla (JK, the current vice president, a former businessman, and the chairman of Golkar Party) and Wiranto (a retired Indonesian National Army general and chairman of HANURA or People's Conscience Party)

3. Megawati Soekarno Putri (Mega, the 5th Indonesian President [2001 - 2004], and the chairwoman of PDIP or Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle) and Prabowo Subiyanto (a retired Indonesian National Army general and the chairman of Gerindra or Great Indonesia Movement Party).


  1. The serious little girl is precious! A lovely image, Eki.

  2. Nice snap, eki! She really looks curious. I hope your elected candidate wins. =)

  3. She looks very decisive. Lovely shot!!

  4. What a precious photograph. Well captured. I love kids' curiosity.

  5. Good to see the youth of today taking note, even at such tender years. She looks enthralled.

  6. What a great image!!


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