About Bandung

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mi Ayam Bandung (Bandung Chicken Noodle)

Mie ayam Bandung (Bandung chicken noodle) is a popular local fast food here. It consists of noodle, vegetable, and spiced chicken. People usually have it for lunch.

I think chicken noodle is originally Chinese. It has been adapted into the local culinary traditions and is therefore available in different varieties throughout east and southeast Asia.

Here is how it looks, sold, and prepared here. I took these pictures at UPI (Indonesia University of Education) campus at lunch time sometime ago.


  1. Oh, the mi ayam bandung looks so good. Much more colorful than my old standard, tuna noodle.
    The window photo is fun. Wish I could join you for lunch there.

  2. Tho hygiene is always an issue, I couldn't resist to at least try it once a week with along with friends. My mother said it had something to do with MSG that made all street food tasted so yummy.

  3. Very popular breakfast menu for local Kuching people is "Mee Bandong".The way it looks and sold is not much different.I guess its originality is from Bandung,but the different is that instead of spiced chicken, here they use satay chicken/beef and eggs.

  4. Yeah.. I still worried about MSG. Because some trader put MSG to much. But its delicious when i am hungry.


  5. Looks delicious.
    I think it has rich taste.

  6. This looks really good but I have my British ancestors stomach which likes bland food...I miss out on so much exciting food....@:{....

    Michelle From Rambling Woods


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