About Bandung

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Theme Day: Kosong

Kosong is an Indonesian word for empty, which happens to be this month's theme at CDPB (City Daily Photo Blog).

Photographically, I think it is impossible to visualize emptiness, for even in an empty space, there must be something, a few things, visible or invisible. In a photograph, one of those things is the frame.

So, visualizing emptiness is about interpretations. And this is mine. An empty bench in an office waiting room. Is it a good sign (that every visitor has been served timely that one one has to wait)? Or a bad one (that nobody wants to deal with that office)?

Happy Theme Day, everyone!

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Visually, such a pleasing photograph. I laughed at your two possible interpretations. Good choice.

  2. Yes, it IS an evocative picture.
    Eki, I love the way you (and only you) always combine in your posts things of speculation and of feelings with interesting facts (the kind that we non-teachers would never think of).

    And thanks for your stimulating comments on the execration.

  3. Yes, there must be something and that must make some image of emptiness. Well, you have just done it!

  4. Hahaha.. Same with Jilly, I laughed with your guess.

  5. Interesting. No people. Empty seats. Lots of space.

  6. I really like the gray tones.
    Ciao Eki!

  7. Also empty of colour. Great picture

  8. Great choice for the monthly theme day

  9. Very very nice shot Eki! I love it in BW as well. I think they all got in in a timely fashion. :)


  10. Nice shot, and I just like the title: Kosong.

  11. Saudara Eki, I agree with you. Perception depends on perspective.BTW, I'm back in Kuching.

  12. Simple and very effective for the theme day, Eki! Bravo!

  13. Hey! Where did everyone go? The seating area looks sooo EMPTY! Good theme day photo!


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