About Bandung

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Photos of Indonesian Presidential Election: The Balloting Day

Today is the balloting day for the Indonesian Presidential Election. It's the second time Indonesians directly elect their president. (The first was in 2004. Before that, the president was elected by Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or The People's Consultative Assembly.)

Here are some of the photos I took at the balloting station where I cast my vote today.

The balloting day was declared as a public holiday. Balloting stations throughout the country were opened at 08:00 A.M. local time (Indonesia has three time zones: GMT +7, +8, and +9) and closed at 01:00 P.M., at which time the votes began to be counted.

Voting is done by putting a check mark on the number, photo, or the name of pair of the presidential and vice presidential candidates that one chooses.

The top photos shows a Balloting Committee member showing a disqualified vote during the counting. The card was disqualified because the voter had written a word in addition to the check mark.

The tally results at the balloting station where I voted show that the incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his running mate Boediono(SBY - Boediono) was leading with 240 votes. The other two pairs of candidates, Megawati-Prabowo (Megapro) and Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto (JK - Win) were trailing behind with 43 votes respectively.


  1. Oh what an important day it is for all Indonesia. I strongly agree that election day should be a nonworking day. I don't know if and when America will do that.

  2. Well, may the best man (and/or woman) win.
    That's a good idea to put the photo of the candidates on the ballot.

    Indonesia has 3 time zones? B-i-g country!

    Re your comment: Donkey manure doesn't smell bad (well, not any worse than our politics). :)

  3. Very interesting photos on voting in Indonesia, somewhat different from our system. Tell us the final result!

  4. That is a neat way to vote. It would be hard to make a mistake.

  5. What a nice shoot on Presidential election!! I'm proud of the lovely country. Hope every step will last peacefully...

  6. Unlike A Tehran who had very different voting experiences. it's good to see democracy at work.

  7. Saatnya buat pengakuan. Aku tidak memilih :(. Surat pilihnya telat datang. Sebenarnya lega juga sih, untuk pemilu legislatif dan presiden kali ini, sama sekali nggak tau mau milih yang mana. Juga dengan pengalaman hiruk pikuk kampanye periode sebelumnya, agak bersyukur juga kali ini terhindar dari euforia pesta politik. Ini pertama kali sejak ikut memilih tahun 97 waktu masih kuliah. Alhamdulillah, kita tidak mengalami seperti apa yang terjadi di Iran. Temanku, seorang Iran sampai sekarang belum bisa pulang karena kerusuhan di Tehran.


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