About Bandung

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Street Scene: Ceramic Ware Vendor

A mobile street vendor selling hotel-quality ceramic wares at Jalan Riau (Riau Street, also called L.R.E. Martadinata Street), Bandung.

Jalan Riau is well known for its factory outlets (distros) and boutiques. It can get quite crowded with shoppers on weekends and holidays.


  1. Are his wares relatively cheap? Unusual products to find on a street cart, at least in the parts of the world I've been to. Nice subject, thanks.

  2. Nice street scene. But is the vendor not afraid to drive around with so many dishes?

  3. I learn something new here,look interesting.I normally buy ceramic ware from Indonesian traders at our boder market in Bau..there are relatively cheap here & quality is good too.

  4. so weird! i cant imagine how he keeps it from falling down. one wrong move everything can go into pieces. hehehe...

  5. I am so glad you're back to showing street scenes. Your documentation of street scenes in your country is simply amazing.

    Happy weekend.

  6. A unique catch, bung Eky. I confuse too (like the donG)how they keeps it from falling down??
    I got a new blog, i would be honored if you dropping by.

  7. Eki,

    I hope you are not too busy. I too am playing catch up with posts. I ahev friends coming to Indonesia soon. I am trying to persuade them they must visit Bandung.

  8. bisa tolong fotokan rumah sakit limijati ?


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