About Bandung

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pins and Buttons

Pins and buttons sold by street vendors here. The variety is endless, and they are inexpensive. I only collect unique ones though, particularly those that commemorate a historical event.


  1. they are very cute. haven't really collected any pin, altho' your collection must be extensive.

    campaign buttons are quite interesting and quite historical too.

  2. How many pins have you collected? I collect only two or three pieces. However, my son loves Persib pins so much. He brought many of that pins at school.

  3. An enormous quantity indeed! Very nice photo, Eki!

  4. and so i thought it's just popular here. nice subject and the kids will love this.

  5. What a fun and colorful assortment!

  6. WHat a beautiful collage of color and texture!


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