About Bandung

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Smiling Bus

When the traffic is bad, it pays to learn to smile and not let it eat you up from the inside.

It was a hot day and the traffic was heavy when I was driving out of the city to visit some relatives. But the smiley face painted behind this bus reminded me that a smile would just make things easier to bear.


  1. Ha, a good sign and good philosophy of life, Eki. :D

  2. That great hot pink bus with the smiley is a great reminder that things could be worse. I"m glad it made your ride a little nicer Eki!

  3. All cars should have that at their back! :)

  4. hahaha... you're right about that. i think all the buses should have that.

  5. That must be one of those buses heading to my hometown, Garut.. yay.. :) Hmm I used to ignore or take a glance at it with the "what the heck?" thought when I was about to get on the bus. But you're right about it. Smiley..


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