About Bandung

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Covered in Snow

On that car, it's not the real snow, of course. We live in the tropic, and the only real snow we have here is the eternal snow glacier at the top of Jayawijaya mountain on the Indonesian province of Papua (see inset picture courtesy of the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism).

"Snow" is a term used for the snow-like soapy foam sprayed from a special machine called foam injector that is used in a car wash like the one in the top photo. Snow wash, as it is called here, is very popular.


  1. Very nice, John. Reminds me have to wash my car later. And with your post, just learned that there's snow in Papua. Great.

  2. Sorry, I wrote the wrong name, Eki. But have a nice weekend, then.

  3. How do you think about car washing with snow, is it better than with water? The price is of course higher...
    Great photo, great post..Kang Eki


  4. Snowy car? Wait until I show you some snowy cars in Minnesota this winter!


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