About Bandung

Friday, October 16, 2009

Magnificent Trees #2 (A Skywatch Post)

I often feel awed by big trees. Standing at their base and looking up, we can't help but realize how small we are compared to them. Not only are they big in size, they also play a big role in nurturing lives and keep our planet livable.

Unfortunately, many of us don't care much about them. Because of our greed, many of them are already gone. Many more are on their way to extinction. We have fewer and fewer giants that can protect us from extinction.

Many big trees and forested land around Bandung are fast depleting. The need for land for farming, housing, and industries in this one of the fastest growing (about 3.5 percent per year including 2.5 percent immigrants) and the densest urban areas in the Indonesia (155 people per hectare) has become a serius environmental threat to the Bandung basin and its surrounding mountains where the city is located.

The trees in this picture are those that are protected in the Taman Hutan Raya (Great Forest Park) Ir. H. Djuanda in the north of Dago area, Bandung. This 590 hectare nature reserve has some interesting flora and founa and two waterfalls, namely Curug Dago (Dago Waterfall) and Curug Ciomas (Ciomas Waterfall). I'm going to show them at some later posts.

For now, happy skywatch Friday, everyone. Please do visit other skywatchers' post here.


  1. Lovely photo, I love the angle looking up at the sky. The trees are beautiful and so is the lighting.

  2. great efforts and i really honor people who fight for the preservation of nature.

  3. Yap sad fate for a lot of trees all over the world. They had to be felled to give way to housing. Sad.

    Anyway, have a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

  4. Magnificent, Yes ! Eki, and lofty. imposing respect. When i watch your picture, I wonder how many years to become that tall, without the help of human being ? And men can put an end in a few minutes to this grandness.
    Human beings can make their best to protect their environnement, but, unfortunately, some others can succeed to distruct all around.
    At least, some become aware of the danger nowadays.

  5. Amazing photo.. Bandung is beautiful city

  6. I love this photo... I'm moving to Bandung next year and since I've never been there I look at this website almost everyday.


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