About Bandung

Sunday, October 25, 2009


It's not easy to do stage photography if you can't get close to the stage or don't have the right equipment. But I was happy doing this one with my pocket camera (my other cameras being out of batteries) and from a position that's not close enough to get good photographs. The music was simply great and electrifying. So even when I could not get decent pictures of this group's stage performance, I was just happy being there to listen to their music.

This is Sambasunda performing at last week's Bambu Nusantara World Music Festival. Sambasunda is a Bandung-based group of creative contemporary musicians whose unique musical compositions and performances have won them a number of worldwide acclaims. Their music is modern but deeply rooted in the rich varieties of Indonesian traditional musical traditions.

The group was established in 1990 with the name PRAWA. In 1997, the name was changed to CBMW. The current name - Samba Sunda - was adopted in 1998 when they launched their first album "Rhythmical Sundanese People" of which "Sambasunda" was one of the songs.

Contrary to what many people think about the name, Sambasunda has nothing to do with the Latin music of Samba. Sambasunda is a combination of "samba", a Cirebonese dialect word that means a pre-puberty teenager, and Sunda, the name of an Indonesian ethnic unit, the native population of the western part of the Java island.

I'll upload the video of their performance later at my other blog Bandung Daily Video.


  1. Quite many musicians !
    If you have had a good time listening, Eki, that's what music is for.
    Sometimes, we're so much obsessed by our photographies during that kind of event, that we forget to take the most of the event itself.

  2. very interesting to me as im quite a person who enjoys cultural music. they define the country's treasure.

  3. Saudara Eki,
    The performance must be very interesting and enjoyable.I love to listen to traditional music especially keroncong.Have a nice week ahead.

  4. I am very much into world music, and I know of Sambasunda. Looks like a great concert!

  5. I love listen to traditional music.
    PS: I'm sorry that my blog create problem but anyway I'm trying to clean & I hope its work.
    FYI. Kuching which has a population of 579,900 (2006 census; Kuching City South – 143,500; Kuching City North – 133,600; Padawan- 3rd Mile/ 7th Mile/ 10th Mile – 302,800).

  6. I like going to see performances by groups like this. More power to them.


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