About Bandung

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bandung Beggars #1

"Beggary" (forgive my deliberately inccorect English diction for begging or panhandling) has many forms in this city (as does anywhere else). But all beggars essentially do the same thing: they ask for donation in one supplicating manner or another and do so in public places.

The man with the guitar in the photo is "officially" called "pengamen" (a street performer who performs for tips), but the music/performance is often so bad that it has now become meaningless and secondary to the tip. Practices like this has therefore become a form of beggary than street performance. (See also how he's doing it in the traffic light junction when cars are stopping. It's very unlikely that a good piece of music can be performed in this manner.)

Street baggery is one of the bad sides of Bandung. Unfortunately, the municipal government has not done enough to control it.


  1. Many 'pengamen' perform well their music and their vocal are also very good. It is wiser if we do not judge them same.
    Once in a time, my wife let a 'pengamen' to finish his perfom because she likes it, rather than she quicky gave him a coin.

  2. Do many drivers open the windows and give him some coins?

  3. you'll see a lot in manila too. so sad to see them out there begging.

  4. hai eki, another great foto from you, if you can see i also took a few pictures of homeless people and children who work for their living. and i think you have made your point to talk with pictures, keep posting and inspiring.


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