About Bandung

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fish Eye in The Sky

Fish eye, another name for convex or diverging mirror, has a reflective surface that's buldging towards the light source. As a result of this, it has wider angle of view and is called fish-eye (because the eyes of a fish have wider angle of view). Fish-eye mirror also makes the objects it reflects look distorted, smaller, and farther than the actual distance.

Convex mirrors have a variety of uses. One of them is like the one in the picture. Installed at a blind corner or junction, it can help drivers see other vehicles coming from around the corner. This one is at the end of the housing block where I live.

This post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation for the Skywatch Friday. Please check out other skywatchers' posts here.


  1. An unusual shot, very good. It's always fun to see something new and creative.

  2. Pretty sky shot, along with the convex mirror with the reflection of the building in it.

  3. Lovely shot, thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Nice photo. I like the composition of this photo to use the mirror to reflect on the surroundings.

    Have a great weekend.

    Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

  5. Lovely reflection in a wonderful shot.


  6. Lovely,i miss this week entry of sky watch.No photograph outing for me this many days due to bad weather.

  7. i like how you took this shot into a diff. level, you even manage to get a good reflection of the structure! ^0^

    ps: tnx for droppin by, truth is, i've been a silent follower of your blog even before i started my own. ^-^

  8. Cool skywatch and a creative photo.

  9. Eki,

    I love shots like yours.

    My gosh, your site is just absolutely wonderful!

    And, thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I wrote:

    You are correct!

    When were you there?

    We could have had a cup of coffee!


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.