About Bandung

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Durian on 'Pikulan'

I think the durian is now in season. I saw plenty of it on sale at the supermarket and on the street. This mobile vendor is even offering it on a 'pikulan' (bamboo carrying pole and baskets) on a street near my office.


  1. I bought durian medium size at price of Rm 10.00 for 3 this morning.I wanted to prepare bubur durian with gula melaka.
    Durian is cheap now..have you try buah dabai ?
    The good buah dabai or gradeAAA would cost Rm28.00 per kg.

  2. Great photo of that guy with the funny fruit! I'd love to try the Durian - never seen it before now!

  3. I've heard so much about durian, maybe someday I'll get to try it! A very nice portrait of the street vendor (and the durian.)

    (I had to look up "buah dabai". What does it taste like?)
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  4. I used to eat durian. But now I am not dare enough to eat durian. I am 34 years old...

  5. Wow, the fruit is huge.
    Love this photo.

    When I worked with livestock in Arkansas, I learned that this way of carrying can be very good.

  6. Never tasted this kind of fruits. They're not sold here. They look like huge litchis.
    Once again, great picture in B&W.
    What surprises me, is the anachronism between all your pictures. I mean, this picture could have been taken decades ago (maybe B&W explains this feeling), and you show usa so modern city, just as ours. Very varied and interesting.


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