About Bandung

Monday, December 14, 2009

Street Documentary: Flood

This is Jalan Stasiun Timur street after the rain a couple of weeks ago. The drainage in this area looked bad. Water came out of the sewer and gutter and innundated part of the street. Probably they were chocked with garbage. It's time the city's goverment did something about it.

Today's post is Bandung Daily Photo's participation in the Monochrome Weekly meme. Please follow the link to check other wonderful monochrome photos from the participating photo blogs from around the world.


  1. Good reporting of a bad event.

    When Israel had her first rain recently, the same thing happened in towns in the Coastal Plain and the citizens also wanted to know why the sewers had not been cleared BEFOREhand.

  2. I will stick with my street, if you don't mind.

  3. Our local council now in process to improve bad drainage system in our area and we are hoping for the best result.By the way great B&W images.

  4. Sigh. Looks and sounds like a lot of our streets in Manila. I hope your government is better at fixing things than ours is.

  5. Rain is such a welcome relief from the heat, but the consequence of flood is a reality.

    I don't know why authorities in charge of clean up don't do the cleaning when there is no rain so flooding can be avoided.

  6. We've had way too much rain lately, but at least our drainage works. I like the rendering of the water in the top photo.

  7. it's happening almost everywhere. now we're reaping what humanity did to nature.

  8. Oh my goodness looks terrible. Hope recovery is quick

  9. Good evening Eki.
    It happens, here too, not in Paris, but in some areas. Rain sometimes is a bad surprise....Great effect in B&W. I wonder how the bike stays up. Certainly, awful to drive in that conditions.

  10. I hope all is well now. GREAT monochrome entry this week Eki. I apologize for not getting here as often as I should . I miss so much of your city !!! You do such a great job with your blog.


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