About Bandung

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Theme Day Post: Waiting

Waiting is probably one of the most boring things to do. To "offset" their boredom, people do different things to get themselves occupied. Some read books, magazines, or newspapers. Some play games, listen to their MP3 players, or do things with their cell phones. But there are also people who feel comfortable doing nothing while waiting.

Here's my photographic interpretation of this month's CDPB theme day: waiting. I took this photo at Gado Bangkong, a small suburban railway station in the west of Bandung.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants of this month's CDPB Theme Day.


  1. You'll see this scene enacted in towns and cities all over the world ... we are all the same !!

  2. Wonderful people picture and Eki commentary.

  3. Eki, this is an excellent image. very well done and a great theme day post. one of the best.

  4. nice framing for this shot. perfect for the theme too.

  5. i like this shot esp. the angle where you took it. ^0^
    best describes the word waiting...

  6. Really like this one! Images of waiting are always so interesting, make you wonder the story behind people's eyes.

  7. I really appreciate your illustration of "Waiting". Must add that people wherever, in whatever country, they're waiting, have the same pastime. I would take a picture in our parisian subway, people would have the same attitude with their hands, and their body. Well seen. I love the frame too.


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PS. Please let me know if you want me to cover a particular part or story about Bandung.