About Bandung

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Coconut Husk Fiber Mat and Friends

These keset (coconut-husk fiber mats) are for sale on the side of Jalan Dr. Otten street along with sapu ijuk (black palm-fiber brooms) and sapu lidi (brooms/rakes made of coconut leaf spines).

Because coconut trees are available in abundance here (Indonesia is the world's largest producer of coconut), a lot of household implements are made of coconut tree elements. Virtually every part of the coconut tree is usable.


  1. It's wonderful that such things can be made from trees!

  2. Very creative,this is best buy.Will get one if i found its on sale at border market.

  3. what's in abundance can be greatly used through the resourcefulness of people.

  4. Your story brought back a memory for me that my mother gave us kids the inside of the coconut to eat and the milk to drink. Also I love the chicken with coconut sauce (am blanking out on the name of the dish right now:) )

  5. Maybe my mat is made of it and imported....I didn't imagine this. Good thing to know !

  6. we learned early on in grade school that the coconut is the tree of life, that every part of it is useful.

  7. We used these when we were young but sadly they have been over taken by the mass produced and environ-unfriendly plastics. I like the "Kesat"(Mats), they really do their job cleanly and also tickle the soles of the feet.LOL


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